BMUG PD-ROM Version BV3 (CDRM1097900).iso
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Text File
95 lines
-- card: 3491 from stack: in
-- bmap block id: 0
-- flags: 4000
-- background id: 3149
-- name: Headline
-- part contents for background part 1
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Wright Brother's first flight
St. Louis World's Fair
Russian Mutiny on Battleship Potemkin
San Francisco earthquake-500 dead
2nd Hague Convention adopts rules of war
Earthquake in Italy & Sicily-150,000 dead
North Pole reached by R. Peary & M. Henson
Boy Scouts of America incorporated
Sun Yat-sen Pres. of new Chinese Republic
Titanic strikes iceberg & sinks-1,500 dead
Federal Reserve System established
World War I begins-Panama Canal opened
U.S. protests German submarine actions
Pres Wilson reelected-"Kept US out of war"
U.S. declares war Apr 6-Russian Revolt
Russian Revolt--World-wide flu epidemic
Versailles Treaty signed-Prohibition In
1st League of Nations meeting at Geneva
Anarchists Sacco & Vanzetti convicted
Mussolini forms Fascist government
Hitler's "Beer Hall Putsch" in Munich fails
Lenin dies-Stalin wins power struggle
Scopes convicted in Tenn. "Monkey Trial"
U.S. marines dispatched to Nicaragua
Lindbergh flies solo cross the Atlantic
Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin
U.S. stock market crash-Depression begins
Naval powers sign disarmament treaty
Al Capone sentenced for tax evasion
Lindbergh kidnapping-Roosevelt elected
Hitler is Chancellor-U. S. Prohibition ends
Hitler made Fuhrer-Quints born in Canada
Italy invades Ethopia-Hitler annexes Saar
Hitler annexes Rhineland-Axis formed
Earhart lost in Pacific on world flight
Hitler occupies Austria & Czech.
Germany attacks Poland--WW II begins
U.S. & Britian agree to Lend-Lease pact
Pearl Harbor Bombed--U.S. enters WWII
Japan occupies Singapore & Phillipines
Mussolini deposed-Italy surrenders
D-Day Normandy invasion-Battle of Bulge
Germany & Japan surrender--WWII ends
Churchill Warns of "Iron Curtain"
US sets Marshall Plan & Truman Doctrine
Gandhi assassinated by Hindu fanatic
Truman announces Soviets have A-bomb
Brinks Car Robbery--Korean War starts
Color Television Introduced in U.S.
Queen Elizabeth of England crowned
Eisenhower inaugurated--Stalin dies
Jonas Salk starts Polio innoculations
AFL-CIO merger-Argentina ousts Peron
Egypt siezes Suez--Bikini H-bomb test
Russians launch Sputnik--1st satellite
U.S. puts Explorer I satellite into orbit
Castro heads Cuba--China takes Tibet
U-2 Spy-plane shot down over Russia
JFK sworn in--Shepard Mercury launch
Glenn is first American to orbit earth
JFK assassinated in Dallas--LBJ is Pres
Mississippi Civil Rights workers killed
Watts Riots--Medicare program starts
De Bakey implants artificial heart
Apollo Crew Killed In Fire
RFK Shot--N. Korea seizes Pueblo
Nixon inaugurated--U.S. lands on Moon
Kent State riot ends in 4 student deaths
N. Y. Times publish Pentagon Papers
Nixon In China--Israeli athletes killed
V.P. Agnew resigns--Vietnam Peace Pact
Nixon resigns--Patty Hearst kidnapped
U.S. Apollo & U.S.S.R. Soyuz meet in space
U.S. 200th!!!--Israelis Entebbe Rescue
Carter sworn in--Insulin from bacteria
Camp David accord: Carter, Begin & Sadat
Shah flees Iran--Thatcher Prime Minister
Moscow Olympic Games boycotted by U.S.
Reagan inaugurated--Charles & Diane wed
1st Shuttle launch--UK wins Falklands
Pioneer 10 launch--USSR downs KAL747
Nude shots cost Vanessa Miss America
-- part contents for background part 4
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